Is this a legit company?
Yes! We have been in business since 2016. We have a physical location at 7415 Hwy 301 Riverview, FL 33578.

Where can I find customer reviews/pictures?
Follow us on Facebook under Les Play In Dresses Clothing Store group and business page. Also available on Instagram @lesplayindresses.

How can I track my package?
You will receive an email with a tracking number for USPS. Please allow 3-5 business days to receive the tracking number.

My order was confirmed, but I received an email from PayPal with a refund. What does this mean?
The item(s) you ordered was so popular that between the time you placed the order and when we processed it, the item sold out. The good news is, that we will refund you immediately for the cost of the item. (Minus any applicable promotion codes used on the order)

Why was my order cancelled?
In some cases, we are unable to verify the billing information that was entered on the order. If the billing address does not match with what the credit card issuer or bank has on file, the order may be automatically be cancelled. If your order has been cancelled for this reason, please contact your credit card issuer or bank to verify that the billing information is correct. Once updated, please create a new order using the correct billing address.
When we are unable to process an order, we will automatically cancel and refund your item(s). You will receive an email confirmation notifying you of this change. Please allow 7-10 business days for the amount to post to your account.

How long does shipping take?
Preparing Time: We need 2-3 working days to prepare your order according to our numerous orders every day.
For standard shipping please allow 7-10 business days after preparation time for orders to arrive.

How can I receive a refund?
Please double check orders before submitting them. No exchanges or refunds can be provided. If there is a mistake or error on our end, we will refund the transaction.